The IEEP is empowered by a vast network of best-in-class researchers renowned worldwide in their field of expertise (Medical Professors, Biology Professors, Directors of Research Institutes, Scientific Award Winners, among them Nobel Prize Winners..).
The IEEP is naturally a European entity, thanks to its network of long-established expertise. It has developed unique experience in managing the interface between Europe and the other continents.
The IEEP disposes of multidisciplinary excellence skills by the diversity of projects and industries covered. IEEP expertise of Excellence is now the reference in the scientific and medical world.
By its transversal and integrative aspect, Physiology allows the IEEP to exercise its competencies in all areas of biological and medical sciences.

The IEEP has developed its activity at the crossroads of Industrial groups and the academic world.
The IEEP proposes its expertise regarding conception and advice in the field of Life Science and Health.

The IEEP is involved in scientific and medical consulting, technical expertise and assistance for, among others, the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, the chemical and the cosmetic industries.
The IEEP, in strict confidence, listen and help companies for decision-making, creating and implementing turnkey solutions.
33 rue Scheffer
75016 Paris
Phone +33 (0)1 40 60 01 57
Mail contact@ieepworld.fr
Our Goals
- Create links between Academic and Industrial
- Develop innovative scientific projets
- Generate new proof of concept
- Explore applications and products of tomorrow
With its network of multidisciplinary, international, worldwide renowned researchers, the Institute benefits from expertise in clinical and basic research enabling the design of original and custom research projects.
The IEEP coordinates teams of excellence at international level to carry out the proposed research projects and supports its efforts on high-tech infrastructure enabling advanced functional exploration in the context of biological and/or medical studies.
The IEEP accompanies the course of the research project, from its implementation until the elaboration of the final report.
The IEEP, at the client’s request, achieves recommendations for internal purposes, general public communication, registration of patents resulting from research data as well as the publication of international scientific papers.